Sunday, November 3, 2013

Imaginative, Analytic Practice Student Type Dynamic Goal Seeking meaning and reason to learn the de

The importance of teaching and learning in the second step mastery learning, a teacher should use the methods or activities that effective teaching and learning materials and appropriate teaching and learning to ensure that students have mastered the learning outcomes in a short time. To ensure the success of mastery learning, teachers should consider the following points in p & p: Its giri teacher style learning method or activity of teaching and learning materials p & p Values Classroom management and activities p & p The other thing that should also be taught or absorbed in the p & p as eight intelligence, thinking skills, learning skills, the elements m and s outlet of patriotism, environmental education, drug education and AIDS prevention, family and parenting skills in road safety education will be described in other sites. Characteristics of Teachers in teaching and learning towards mastery learning, teachers should: Caring for all students convinced they can all learn to be successful and control of learning outcomes if given enough time and p & p is quality Loving eye pelajaan taught Stimulate yourself to plan and use various way to ensure that students are able to master a learning outcome stimulate and motivate your students to learn so that they can master a learning outcome Proactive and can solve problems Teachers can add a list of features, but the important thing is that teachers should practice in teaching and learning. Learning Style Guru should know that students have different m and s outlet learning styles m and s outlet and that is why there is no one best method of teaching for all students. So, teachers should use a variety of methods or activities of teaching and learning so that students with different learning style that can effectively m and s outlet learn and master the learning outcomes. Basically, there are three styles of learning: visual m and s outlet Students: Students in this group likes to learn by looking at the letter or word Thing, picture or diagram Demonstration, act or play an audio Students: Students in this group prefer to learn by listening or talking like Listening , explanation, lecture, olehguru description or other students explain, chat, give his opinion, story or describe kinesthetic Students: Students in this group like to learn to make or do something like: Write or draw something m and s outlet Make training, practical work, experiments, role-playing, simulations, or projects to ensure that all students m and s outlet can learn effectively, teachers should use teaching methods that engage-kadah visual, verbal, and kinesthetic. Some education researchers have proposed various learning styles model and the model are summarized below. In 4MAT System model 4MAT system model created by Dr.. Bernice McCarthy, there are four types of the following students: Students Imaginative Practice Student Student Student m and s outlet Analytical Dynamic m and s outlet Characteristics of each type of students are summarized in the following table:
Imaginative, Analytic Practice Student Type Dynamic Goal Seeking meaning and reason to learn the details Finding facts explain the concept of the use of information Search Looking for something new way to learn using all the senses and thinking about the idea of sharing ideas Testing and interpreting theory and the discovery of Cuba on its own success Like Berinterasksi with people other and share ideas and opinions of experts analyze an information Know how something works Creating or applying information and interact with other people and innovation strength of concept ideas Build practical ideas and complete an action Loves question Why? What is it? How does the information theory m and s outlet or practice? What can be created by me? Use objects or ways of teaching experience goes with. Give a chance to talk and explain the production of ideas (teacher or student) and encourage students to analyze information Give exercises, quizzes, practical work, experiments for students to try on their own to Give project, task, or problem and encourage students to share the results. Dunn and Dunn model In the model of Dunn and Dunn learning styles created by Dr. Rita Dunn and Dr.. Kenneth Dunn, a student's learning style depending on which elements m and s outlet he likes in under five stimulus shown in Table 1. Where possible, you should provide opportunities for students to learn the elements he liked.
Environmental Features Sounds Like learning without noise or with background noise such as music Light Like learning in a sunny spot or in dimly lit places Like studying temperature in cold or in hot Pattern Like learning in formal and seats available table or in the informal like lying or sitting on the floor

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