S ach man is essentially a leader, to lead themselves and others surrounding dii to achieve common goals. Leading means building a team that can effectively and efficiently reach the right target. Because there is no one, no matter who he is, always engaged or involved in the development of a team. Man was created to be a team player and is designed to function in the fabric and the relationship of interdependence with others (interdependence in terms of Stephen Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly canadian tire flyer toronto Effective People).
In his book The Magic of Team Work, Pat Williams Senior Executive Vice President of the Orlando Magic, a formidable basketball team from the United States illustrates that a family is a team. An elementary canadian tire flyer toronto school classroom in the example is also a team. Sports canadian tire flyer toronto club is a team ball. A business that too a team. Hospitals, government offices, social organizations, canadian tire flyer toronto political parties and even a country are different forms of a team. Whenever and wherever people together or are in a relationship together to get the job done, that's a team. In the English language intends TEAM Together Everyone Achieve More by working together everyone can obtain better results than working on their own. With this understanding as we try to invite you to grasp the concept of leadership in the perspective of building a team. The concept of building a team of its meaning lies in a word: synergy. The word synergy comes from the Greek meaning Sunergos work together, from the root word sun (together) and ergon (work). Clearly the concept of synergy is defined as the interaction of two or more individuals to produce a combination of forces that exceed the sum of all individual power individually. Function of a leader is to build a team that can generate synergies. What we are talking about is related to the mystery or miracle elusive is often called the synchronization (synchronicity). This means that one moment when the whole team moves as a single unit, all the energy pulsating in the unity of the team, the irreversibility, and the unstoppable flow harmoniously toward common goals or objectives. This concept means that every individual in the team that contributed to the creation of synergies to achieve a common canadian tire flyer toronto goal is a leader. This is a new paradigm in leadership, which is different from the conventional concept of leadership always see in perspective the leader - follower (leader followers). In this concept each team member has a different canadian tire flyer toronto role and function, so there is no subordination superiority that form a pattern of patron client relations: the elite and the people, superiors subordinates, the child's parents, clergy people, and so on. The key to the creation of synergy on a team is the ability of each individual canadian tire flyer toronto member of that team. So as to increase the variability (performance) canadian tire flyer toronto a team can not be separated canadian tire flyer toronto from efforts to optimize and improve individual variability. This is where the importance of self management to improve and optimize the potential and capabilities of each individual in the team which in turn can improve the performance of the team to achieve goals more quickly, efficiently and effectively. canadian tire flyer toronto The conventional approach has been to increase the variability of individuals canadian tire flyer toronto in the team is to provide education and training that often times do not contribute significantly canadian tire flyer toronto to the creation of team synergy. canadian tire flyer toronto Though required by the individual members of the team is the ability to optimize our potential, to learn (skills of learning) continuously, and the ability canadian tire flyer toronto to interact with other team members and with individuals canadian tire flyer toronto outside of the team (skills of life: communication and networking) so that he can optimize function and role in team unity. As we all know bahawa canadian tire flyer toronto organizations can not thrive and reach its target, except if each individual in it constantly transforming and learn to optimize canadian tire flyer toronto itself. Organization does not transform. People do. ------ Corporate does not learn. People do. So as to understand the concept of leadership is not going to mean when team members do not experience positive transformation or change. The higher the quality of the individuals in the team and all of them are able to create synergy, the higher the performance of the team in achieving common goals.
An interesting example is given here for the Swiss state. A small country but its people live in prosperity and peace. The nation is looking at the concept of leadership as a team with each individual member of the community has contributed to the achievement of common goals. Not something y
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