Saturday, May 10, 2014

Romanian Ukrainian concerned by possible scenario ...

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A few days ago the Government outlet malls in florida announced a new project called "training center for pilots of helicopters" which has already spent a whopping 43 million euros supplemented with the costs of training and instructors are confident that figure will reach 50 million.
According VMRO - People's Party, the project outlet malls in florida sounds very nice modern and patriotic but if you make a parallel with the value of all the helicopters that Macedonia possesses will see that they are worth less than the amount consumed by 43 million.
Obviously the Government has serious problems with prioritization of the needs of their citizens and ruthlessly consumes huge budget money on projects such as Skopje 2014, ten multi-storey car parks in the city center, an underground tunnel under the square in Skopje, Sun City project , telecommunication outlet malls in florida tower water, panoramic wheel and other unproductive projects worth several hundred million euros, according to the VMRO - People's Party.
VMRO-People's Party believes that such financial investments are wrong and the Government proposes to establish new priorities aimed at the real sector to improve infrastructure, energy facilities, encouraging the development of small and medium enterprises which will create new jobs and would significantly improve the effects of the Macedonian economy and therefore outlet malls in florida the standard of the citizens of the Republic outlet malls in florida of Macedonia.
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