Friday, January 31, 2014

Vain worried Dennis Kowalski: Yuri Fedak, he Ambassador about. Games Okhrimchuk, and most important

Ottawa ... Canadian Train of Ukrainian Pioneers were able to travel its Ukrainian places. This city, which is largely (if not taking into account my two winters spent in Edmonton) passed bealls my life "in exile."
Ottawa, home to "white collar" (ie civil servants), diplomats and those who serve them, - a very respectable, honest, educated, clean, sustained and self-sufficient. These are Ottawa's Ukrainian bealls community and its life.
Of course, I'm not the first one who write about Ukrainian Ottawa. Before I did the other (see at least Actually, I will try to take advantage of their "goat" and insert your "two cents."
First. Monument bealls to John Difenbekeru (Rt. Hon. John George Diefenbaker), t rynadtsyatomu Prime Minister bealls of Canada. This object is associated with Ukrainian themes that this work is the same Leo Mol, on whose monument Shevchenko I talked last time. You can also add to the information that practically across the street from Parliament is another monument by Leo Mol - Terry Fox, who ran a marathon across the Canada bealls terminally ill with cancer, instead of having one leg prosthesis.
Second. Next object associated with Ukraine, which is called in the said "goat infoukes, - this neighborhood Rideau Hall, the residence is the Governor General of Canada. Outskirts Rideau Hall seen ukrainstvom board near Chestnut, planted Leonid Kuchma and rose garden bealls initiated by the wife of the Governor-General of Canada of Ukrainian origin, bealls Raymond Hnatyshyn - Gerda. This information can be added such "two cents": during the "reign" of the past governor Jean Mikel at Rideau Hall to prominence at the very entrance, hung 4 Kurelek paintings of the famous "Pioneer Series", which are met by each by residence. bealls
You can also continue the very successful Ukrainian "garden" theme Ottawa. Tree in that neighborhood had to land as President during his visit to Canada. Added to this is an oak, planted just near Shevchenko monument. Especially close Bloggers are a number of gardens ekperymentiv in the residence of the Ambassador of Ukraine to Canada. During our stay here made several landscapes bealls of revolutions.
However, everything is fine. Before the property was the residence of the Ukrainian state, the owner of the house had known in Ottawa bealls fur-maker and former owner of the shop men's fashion apparel Joe Feller. Apparently the building project and how thorough it all done, I realized that the man he was economic, capital and prudent. And landscape design, I suspect, was founded by him worthy, but it was not seen by lush ferns, semi-shrubs, which drowned the area. With genuine Ukrainian imagination I commander Anatoly Embassy Barhamin (although bealls I was only a mastermind process) took up land Forestry work, and some time during the two "cultural or economic strata," we, as true, archaeologists have found an authentic executions Feller: beautifully laid out and most importantly, how it turned out quite tenacious landaftnyy design with elements of Japanese garden. My heart rejoiced when I looked at him. However, I felt that something was still missing in the design. A missing Ukrainian and Ukrainian-Canadian charm. This is logical: as Feller was a Jew, not Ukrainian.
So I decided to give fellerovskomu garden bealls Ukrainian national charm. For this there are planted: a) Shevchenko Oak (grown from an acorn from genuine authentic oak Khmelnytsky Ukraine (thanks gentlemen Protsyk, Fedak and forge at seedling and father Igor Okhrimchuk that sanctified and the Embassy of the commandant Kravchuk very right, downright for non-Christian traditions, made of oak proper circumcision, after which he rvanuv the sky as a falcon bealls with a Ukrainian folk song), b) periwinkle (thanks again Dennis blacksmith), c) two Viburnum (thanks Radomir Bilash, who gave us their Edmonton), d) two Saskatoon-berry bushes (Radomir, unfortunately your Saskatoon died a heroic death after a football match between the Ambassador and his young son, so again had to use the services of Dennis Kowalski) e) chestnut (thanks to the driver Ambassador Vladimir bealls box and Lesia Spolsky). Ambassador planted oak Khmelnytsky at his residence. Photo of Marina Hrymych, 2009
Vain worried Dennis Kowalski: Yuri Fedak, he Ambassador about. Games Okhrimchuk, and most importantly, bealls a specialist in circumcision (trees) Mikhail bealls Kravchuk have a "light bealls hand". Oak Khmelnitsky bealls in the residence, which he began in 2011 Photo by Marina Hrymych
Again in Ukrainian garden and landscape theme should mention another "memo": a palm Mertsalova (or rather its copy) in the courtyard of the Embassy of Ukraine in Canada. The famous blacksmith Dead

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