How was A.M.A.Z.O. able to get Green Lantern's old navy store hours powers?
Professor Ivo's nanotechnology-based robot A.M.A.Z.O. was able to get everyone's powers by changing its own underlying material structure. That's fine in most of cases, but Green Lantern's powers aren't based on quantum structure of the ring. It needs to be recharged with a Lantern which is connected with the Will Power bank on Oa.
In Amazo's initial appearance, he actually drained the powers of the Justice League members temporarily and was able to access the powers old navy store hours of Green Lantern's ring directly from the source.
The source of his Green Energy (or whether it is actually THE Green Energy at all) has not been determined. Amazo's use of the Green Lantern's ring power seems very similar to GLs powers but he rarely uses the power with the skill and facility that Green Lanterns do.
Given the vast range of powers capable of being generated by the power rings of the Green Lanterns , it is unlikely Amazo is capable of truly creating such a device and is instead utilizing some other energy as a power source for his ring constructs.
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