Today, in collaboration with lookfantastic I bring a new draw. What are we going to get around? For a set of great brushes Sam's Picks for Real Techniques. It is a set of brushes collection with favorite brushes from this brand guru Sam Chapman.
The set contains: - Multi-task Brush, ideal for powders, blushers and bronzers brush. - Setting Brush, small brush for corrections - Buffing Brush, brush to apply mineral powders (mineral makeup). - Pointed Foundation Brush to apply makeup fluids - Essential Crease Brush, brush, brush the area of the eye socket. Perfect for blending. - Fine Liner Brush to apply liquid and gel eyeliners. A great gift! To get all the steps reads well because if you do not meet the required steps stay out of the draw. REQUIREMENTS (MANDATORY) ARE: 1 Follow my blog through Google Friend Connect to public profile.. If your profile is Google+ have to send me a screenshot to know that you follow me Example screenshot where you have to follow:
February. Lookfantastic Follow on Facebook. You can do this by clicking HERE. Important, let them commented: "I come from the blog THE TRUNK OF ELEANOR" 3 I Share the photo above (that is REQUIRED), or on your Facebook profile or page or in your blog.. Leave the link to view it (if it is on Facebook) or the address of your blog to check. 4. OPTIONAL: What do you want 1 King participation? Tweet the giveaway with the following message (copy and paste please): "Draw @ @ lookfantastic September elbauldeeleanor and brushes Sam's malls in dallas Pick @ realtechniques until 16 February at: brushes-set-draw-sams-picks-real-techniques.html. "5 OPTIONAL What do you other additional participation? Then comply with point 3 on both facebook and my blog. Post photo on both sites, and have even more extra participation.
6. Publico photo on the side of my blog? Yes or No, and link to your blog. 7. Publico draw on Twitter? Yes or No link to the publication on Twitter. The maximum number of shares is to get THREE entries. You can sign up on the 16th of February at 23.59 pm (Spanish time). Publish malls in dallas the list of participants on February 19 and the draw was held the same night of February 19th through the number that comes out winner in the Sweepstakes ONCE If you do not have winner with this method, will be drawn through Sortea2.
I'm in. Name follower on the blog. PalomaTTP 2. Follower name on Facebook to lookfantastic and link to the phrase. follow the page as Paloma Alvarez and I posted the phrase, 3. mail contact. 4. Hometown Spain 5. Publico Picture Profile / Facebook page? If my blog page. Https:// a kiss and thank you for this sorteazo 6. Publico photo on the side of my blog? Yes or No, and link to your blog. 7. Publico draw on Twitter? Yes or No link to the publication on Twitter. Reply Remove
Nice to participate. 1 Name of the blog follower. Msevilla 2 Name a follower on Facebook and link to lookfantastic sentence:.. Treasury 3 Mai Mail Contact: 4 City of Residence:.. 5 Publico Spain Picture Profile / Facebook page? If Public photo 6 on the side of my blog.? 7 Public I have not the draw on Twitter:.? Https://twitter. com/MaiTesorito/status/425190993588015104 Thanks again. malls in dallas Reply Remove
Targeted! 1. Follower name in the blog. Vane Malvalúa 2. Follower name on Facebook to lookfantastic and link to the phrase. Vanesa Lojo!/pages/Lookfantastic-Es/512856782133230?hc_location=timeline Three. Mail contact. 4. Hometown (Spain and Portugal). Spain 5. Publico Picture Profile / Facebook page? Yes or No, and link to the publication. No 6. Publico photo on the side of my blog? Yes or No, and link to your blog. If 7. Publico malls in dallas draw on Twitter? Yes or No link to the publication on Twitter. No Reply Delete
I sign! 1. Follower name in the blog. Selene 2. Follower name on Facebook to lookfantastic and link to the phrase. Selene Maria 3. Mail contact. momo.mselene @ 4. Ciudad de r
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