Sunday, April 20, 2014

It was not the movie machine, but with a different pikkolo projection (Fired), the original image a

America in the Sixties by James Vicary pikkolo serious pikkolo controversy with a series of experiments in which the movie is supposed to unsuspecting visitors took him to get popcorn to soda. The method was quite simple: a movie theater projector set up 1/3000 seconds up, five seconds is projected subtitles on the film than that: "Drink Coca Cola! "Do you" Are you hungry? Buy popcorn! "And although it's much less time than it takes to conscious processing, the buffet is supposed to increase 18.1 percent in cola sales, the popcorn pikkolo you took it like candy. Then when I repeated the experiment and did not go, they asked again, how can this be. Roughly said, so he lied.
But the spirit is already out of the bottle. There was so much outcry that half of the world have prohibited the subliminal advertising. Who gave America the channel of this clip, for example, easily could have lost broadcasting license. pikkolo Meanwhile, of course, would not let anyone do that, because no one asked, because the thing did not work - in vain Vicary pikkolo appeared more and more followers.
The research scholarships do need something to deal with, so again they repeated the experiment finally have some results pikkolo as well. According to the New Scientist, a communication research compilers (published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jesp.2005.12.2005) pilot their subjects were asked to perform a meaningless task (számolgassák flash between Bk large lowercase letters b ). Meanwhile occasionally flashed a message up to about 23 milliseconds, which is still plenty to be perceived consciously outside the range. The message was flashed Lipton Ice, the control group appears to contemplate Nipeic wheels.
After this is another attempt to set asked participants which brand would choose, Lipton Ice-t or Spa Rood (the respondent circle equal to the Lipton Ice-those too because of mineral water) or how thirsty. The latter was evaluated on a scale. The results pikkolo of the study groups: the thirst, the more likely it is that you choose Lipton. The Nipeic Feather "influenced" while the control group chose roughly the same proportion pikkolo of two drinks, regardless of thirst.
Then the experiment pikkolo was repeated so that the subjects nyammogtattak salty candy before asking the experiment and then went through the same line. 80 percent of the thirsty group chose Lipton, compared with 20 percent in the control group scores. So it seems, if relevant data stored in flash message, can affect us in the subconscious advertising. True, it does not take anything out of our will, but our preference is affected.
Despite the convincing scientific community work on exposing this myth, it occurs to this day, to turn up a subliminal advertising - read the elbow was 50 psychological misconception. In the 2000 presidential election as a republikánosok tried Al Gore television advertisement attacking the "rats" (rats) syllable hiding negative feelings towards generating pikkolo a Democrat politician. pikkolo
And what does all this say to the profession? The 50 psychological fact author Bob Garfield, a columnist for Advertising Age magazine, quoting the head of describing "below the line advertising does not exist, only in people's minds, or at least certainly not in consumer advertising. What bajlódnának them when the people are also difficult to convince penetrate blatant images directly into their faces. "
Related Resources: school girl demonstrates the dangers of microwave? If you expect this blog post to finally find out, is harmful to the microwave, in the wrong place .... Time Travel TV Post 1989 of the first of October, 1989, 0 hours and 1 minute at a special message interrupted by an advertisement in Britain. ... Injection szódából or mineral water ? ? Pepsi or Coca ... The real mineral water, not splatter, but is szódából - profess splatter friends. Equally pikkolo confident ... Newsletter + Facebook + Media: Sign up to the weekly newsletter summaries requested. I join the Facebook page to be the first to be aware of a new scam. I want to advertise Shop.
What do you have to put a difficult 3000 1s in a projector image - "a movie theater projector set up 1/3000 seconds." The standard right at 24 frames pikkolo / s. Something has been written, the 1/3000 seems too little.
It was not the movie machine, but with a different pikkolo projection (Fired), the original image as a whole, on the other hand Vicary lied about the whole thing only. I can lie tenth ^ 9678-second shift for example, is capable of projecting machine running smoothly.
I know that version pikkolo to U.S. theaters for "ice cream" words flashed on a twist that will increase the sales of ice cream buffet. (This is obviously the case of a two-part film va

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