My name is Elin, is the mother of four, is a kindergarten teacher / teacher, and has worked in primary schools for 15 years. I have lived in Houston, Texas since July 2010 along with my husband and youngest son of ours. I blog about everyday life as a housewife in Houston, about activities, experiences and travels. I like to work out at Lifetime Fitness, bike tours, cooking, reading, photography and blogging.
We have not only had wonderful weather, but everything from the almost freezing at night to 28 degrees during the day, a proper "thunderstorm" got the experience, but many days with so so hot for some frozen sunbathers Jærbuen. And guests were very happy to end our stay Friday with sunny skies, no wind and over 20 degrees. The day before it was however bitterly cold, just the day we were going to the Hill Country for taking pictures in Bluebonnets-fields!
Mother has been satisfied to get some sun and heat, and has cost up to see that it flourishes everywhere here in Houston. It will probably be a little hard to come home to Jæren unless spring and the heat coming soon at home.
This park is always on my program when we have guests from Norway and it's always nice to take a trip there. Already the first day we went. It had been cold at night, but the sun was shining, so there should be optimum conditions to see alligators.
Tilda and Jesper stands for entertainment
Shopping was also on the program, and Katy Mills was visited many times during those two weeks. Luckily we live close by, so my sisters and Linda could make the trip there alone. But a few times we were there all com- And the kids who quickly fashion valley stores got tired of shopping, got to try out the climbing wall as a consolation.
I think all four ladies have a black belt in shopping, but it is possible that Linda has the highest gradient. Now all new summer fashion valley stores wardrobe, and Linda have material enough to scrapping its for a good while to come.
And then there was the hunt for the perfect bluebonnets-field.
And then it was so terribly cold and wet it was also all the rain on Wednesday! Tilda brought a new dress for the shoot, but it was not possible to be so scantily clad, so it got hold of everyday outfit her.
Linda April 7, 2013 at 11:51 AM
Elin Øvestad Gaard I called Elin, married to Lars, has four adult children and lives for time in Busan along with my husband, who is stationed for Statoil at Hyundai Heavy Industry. Although I am a teacher / preschool teacher and has worked in primary school fashion valley stores and kindergarten in total about 20 years, most years in school. Now I enjoy life as expatfrue for the fifth consecutive year. We have lived four years in Houston before we moved here. I hope to spend the time to be active and learn many new things. I like to keep myself in shape and exploring nature, fashion valley stores and expect that there will be many trips outdoors here in Busan, both on foot and by bicycle. Otherwise I'm fashion valley stores interested in getting to know the culture, loves to photograph, blogging, cooking and reading. I hope to make many new friends that I can explore fashion valley stores the city and culture with. View my complete profile
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